Naomi Campbell on Bollywood Soon


Naomi Campbell is set to star in a Bollywood movie. The British supermodel wowed casting directors during her appearance at the Fashion For Relief fundraiser in Mumbai last week and is now planning to return to India to audition for her first major film role. A source said:

"Naomi had never modeled in India before but she loved every minute.

"At the end of the show, two well-known Bollywood producers approached her and asked if she'd be interested in screen testing. Naomi was incredibly flattered and plans to come back to Mumbai for more talks whenever she next has a break in her schedule."

Although Naomi is ready to hit the big screen, she admits her previous ventures away from modeling have not always been successful. Do you remember her attempt at becoming a pop star in 1995? Her album 'Baby Woman' flopped. She said:

"I must say that I am not a great singer. I gave it a try but it didn't really work. I had a song 'La-La-La Love Song

' which had a video heavily influenced by India.

"Even where Indian fashion is concerned, I love the clothes - the sari. Also, Indian women are very pretty and they carry themselves very well."

Best of luck!

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